This newsletter is a window for you to see what is coming in the week ahead.
Special Need:
If you are willing, I really need help in covering our new history books. I have contact paper here. I just need a few people who could come in and cut and apply the contact paper to the books’ covers so that we can get a few more years out of them. Thank you so much!
A special thank you to those of you who helped purchase passports and stickers for our geography challenge! The students will each receive a blank passport and then they will earn a sticker for each region they have proven their mastery in. We will start with oceans and continents first, and then move on to the western US states. The studying and practice of geography will be on their own time. The overall winner will be crowned Geography Champion at the end of the year!
Memory Verse:
Please encourage your child to work daily in hiding God's Word in their heart. The focus this week is on Jesus. There will be a test each Thursday.
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
My class is made up of a variety of different math classes, therefore please check your child's planner to know what homework they might have.
Language Arts
Your child should be reading a book of their choice at least 20 mins each night. They should write down the title of the book they read, the pages they read, and when completed, ask you to sign in their planner that they completed the reading for the night.
Your child will be receiving their Spelling words each Thursday so that they have time to practice over the weekend. Tests will be the following Thursday.
3rd Grade Spelling List
4th Grade Spelling List
We’ll be finishing up Chapter 1 next week with the test being on October 4th.
Living things share common characteristics.
Living things are organized.
Living things are dependent.
We’ll be starting Chapter 2 next week. We will be studying the rebuilding of America after the Civil War.
Americans needed to rebuild their nation with liberty and justice for all.