Week 35


Thank you everybody for a great year!!!!

The Great Geography Challenge!

Travelers who have mastered the following regions so far:

Round 1: (Oceans and Continents) -   

Round 2: (Western) - Reese Corbett, Sofia Matveev, 

Round 3: (Midwestern) -   

Round 4: (Southwestern) - Caleb Schmitt

Round 5: (Southeastern) -   

Round 6: (Northeastern) - , Emma Upchurch, Ari Miller

Round 7: (All 50 States) -   Will Swanson, Cheyenne Jones, Kaisley Weidow

Round 8: (South America) - Cadence Fox, Amber Warner, 

Round 9: (Northern Europe) -  Shaylee Craft, Lana Leever

Round 10: (Western Europe) - James Yorton, Sam Herr, 

Round 11: (Southern Europe) - Emilee Warner

Round 12: (Eastern Europe) - Tucker Trevis

Round 13: (All of Europe) - 

Round 14: (Middle East) - Caleb Kelly


Memory Verse:

No verse next week!


My class is made up of a variety of different math classes, therefore please check your child's planner to know what homework they might have.

Language Arts

No Spelling Lists or Tests!!


  • We are finishing up Chapter 13 and 14, Body Systems.

  • The kids have been working hard on their body system posters and will be presenting them on 

  • Key Ideas:

  • The cardiovascular system is composed of three main parts.

  • The cardiovascular system performs three main functions.

  • The immune system protects the body from bacteria and viruses.

  • Exercise and a healthful diet are important factors for fitness.


We are reading Chapter 10, Living Through Hard Times (The Great Depression)

Chapter Focus:                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Fighting the Great Depression altered American government.

Check out free tickets to 4th graders from the Forest Service!